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Anxiety, Depression and Mental Health Care

Around 1 million Australian adults have depression, and over 2 million have anxiety each year. Mental health may affect a person’s ability to interact successfully with their family, friends, work-mates and the broader community. It can cause significant distress and disability, and can lead to isolation of, and discrimination against, those affected.

At MVM, we prioritise mental well-being, and one of the ways we do that is by working with you on a Mental Health Care Plan. Having a MHCP will also allow you to access Medicare rebates when you visit a psychologist for further support. Don’t be afraid of asking for help – would you fix your own car if it was broken? Most of us would take it to a mechanic, a highly skilled person who knows a lot about car problems. Why wouldn’t you do the same for your mental health, and see a professional?

For more information see:

photo of a psychologist talking to a patient
photo of a doctor holding hands with a patient

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