UPDATE – THE FLU VACCINE HAS NOW ARRIVED AND WE ARE TAKING BOOKINGS FOR OUR FLU CLINICS. ALL FLU SHOTS BOOKED INTO OUR FLU CLINICS ARE BULK BILLED. there is no charge for patients eligible to receive vaccines under the national immunisation program. for all other patients there is a fee of $13.65 + GST…
Pap Smear Changes – Understanding the new National Screening Program
Australia could become the first country to eradicate cervical cancer, according to an announcement made today from the International Papillomavirus Society. Professor Ian Frazer, a QLDer who co-invented the HPV vaccine that has seen a huge drop in the HPV rate among women aged 18-24 (from 22.7% to 1.1% in 10 years), says older women…
Skin Cancer – the who, what, when, where and why about skin checks
by Dr Dale Garred. Queensland is still considered the ‘Skin Cancer Capital of the World’. We discuss what you need to know about Skin Cancer and getting your skin checked. What is Skin Cancer? Skin Cancer occurs when particular cells in certain layers of the skin change (become abnormal) in response to exposure to UV…
Migraine, Depression, Arthritis, Gut Health, Skin Irritation……… Let’s talk – THE VAGUS NERVE
By Pip Severin, Bodyworx Functional Therapies The vagus nerve is the 10th cranial nerve and stretches from the brain-stem to the digestive tract, giving it the widest distribution of any other cranial nerve. It is responsible for several important functions throughout the body including: modulating heart rate, increasing stomach acid and digestive enzymes and activating peristalsis…
How to practice being mindful at Christmas
This year I wanted to try something new with my family. I bought a gingerbread house and during the week with my daughter and son we all started to be creative and put together this piece of work. Well the icing was a bit too soft (we did not realise at the time) and the…
New female GP joining the team at MVM. Taking appointments now!
We are delighted to welcome Dr Dale Garred to our practice! Dale has relocated across the river from the North-side of Brisbane, where she has been practising as a popular GP. Dale has a keen interest in skin cancer medicine , chronic disease management and women’s and children’s health. She is aligned with the Mater…
Psychology Services now available at MVM
We welcome to our practice Flora White, a fully registered Psychologist who has over 15 years experience working with adults, adolescents and children. Flora has been in private practice in the Bayside area since 2013. We are delighted to have her as part of our team now at Manly Village Medical. …
Pink Up October
Breast Cancer Awareness Month Did you know that breast cancer is the most common cancer in Australian women? It is so important for us to know the breast cancer facts. 1 in 8 Australian women will be diagnosed with breast cancer before the age of 85 150 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer every…
Does the change of season trigger your asthma and allergies?
National Asthma Awareness Week, 1st – 7th September The first week of spring marks National Asthma Awareness Week. 80% of people with asthma also experience hay fever, which can worsen your asthma symptoms and can trigger an asthma flare up. Become a better breather by following the 5 B’s :- 🍃 Become informed –…
QML Pathology now open at MVM
We now provide the convenience of on-site pathology services through QML. Monique, your lovely collection nurse, will be here Mon to Wed, 7.30 am – 1.30 pm. Everyone is welcome to use these facilities whether you are a patient of MVM or not. By having such services on-site your Doctor is able to make the…